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قديم 10-16-2016, 11:27 PM   #1
Senior Member
تاريخ التسجيل: Apr 2015
المشاركات: 376
افتراضي Islam Against Terorism .... The Principles of Islam

Islam Against Terorism

The Principles of Islam

In The Name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful

Praise be to Allah without any partner. Prayers and peace be on His Prophet and Messenger to mankind who is not to be followed with any other Prophet or Messenger of Allah.

There is no doubt that war against terrorism is the axis of most of the accurances and international policies during the beginning years of the twenty-first century.

There is no doubt also that there are some people who claimed that Islam leads to terrorism and that the fundamentals of Islam and the Holy Verses of the Holy Quran and the Prophetic Sayings called “Hadith” urge some Muslims to practice terrorism.

Also, there is no doubt that some Muslim extremists have misunderstood some Holy Quranic Verses and some Prophetic Sayings and that their misunderstanding has led to many forms of wrong behavior.

Few members of such extremists misled others talking about Jihad as “the absent Islamic Farida” without taking into consideration that war in Islam has its rules and fundamentals and that Jihad in Islam consequently has its rules, fundamentals, conditions and systematic ways and legal methods and forms.

YES, Jihad is found in Islam. But what is Jihad in Islam in fact
What are its fundamentals? What are its conditions
One is quite wrong when he thinks that the Muslim must carry his arms and fight people to make them witness that there is no God except One God and that Muhammad is The Messenger of Allah, or pay the tribute involuntarily and humbly

This fierce false and cunny attack planned by non-Muslims especially Jewish
Zionism is the cause of writing this study included on the pages of this book aiming to give the true Islamic side of view a real and correct chance for interaction with both non-Islamic and terrorist sides of view. This chance depends on showing the true fundamentals of Islam and on showing the details of the biography of the life of the Prophet of Islam (Peace be upon him.). We are quite sure that Islam in its real and true facts included in its fundamentals and through the biography of the life of the Prophet of Islam is quite far away from terrorism. Islam is the innocent accused.

It is untrue that Islam is a religion of terrorism. It is untrue that Islam urges followers towards terrorism. It is untrue that Muslims-all Muslims-are terrorists.
This is intended false accusation against Islam and Muslims that Holy Quranic Verses together with Prophetic Hadith connected with laws of war in Islam; and the nature, and fundamentals and conditions of Jihad oppose and reject in a very decisive way.

This book announces it to all Muslims and non-Muslims: Islam forbids terrorism and does not urge people to be terrorists at all. The Holy Quran and the Prophetic Hadith show this fact clearly and apply clear evidences during any argument with others.


AL-ATHRAM غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس

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