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قديم 04-18-2024, 11:50 PM   #2
سواها قلبي
Senior Member
تاريخ التسجيل: Apr 2015
المشاركات: 7,005

Caressing them, caressing them, and being kind to them:

On the authority of Anas, may God be pleased with him, he said: “The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, was the best of people in character, and I had a brother called Abu Umair - I think he was weaned (meaning: he began to mature) - and when he came he would say: O Abu Umair, what did Al-Naghir do?” (Walnagar: a small bird). Agreed upon (1).

On the authority of Buraydah, may God be pleased with him, he said: “The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, addressed us, and Al-Hassan and Al-Hussein approached, wearing red shirts, stumbling and getting up, so he came down and took them, and he ascended the pulpit and then said: God has spoken the truth: {Indeed, your wealth and your children are a test}. I saw these two, but I could not be patient, then he began to The Sermon.” Narrated by Abu Dawud (2).

Respect them and give them their rights, even if they are young:

On the authority of Sahl bin Saad, may God be pleased with him: “The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, was brought a drink and he drank from it, and to his right was a boy, and to his left were the old men (i.e. the elderly). He said to the boy: Do you give me permission to give these? So the boy said: By God, O Messenger of God, no.” I prefer someone with my share over you. He said: So the Messenger of God took it in his hand” (meaning, he put it in his hand). Agreed upon (3).

(1) Kh. 10/582 (6203).
(2) D 1109. It was authenticated by Al-Albani in Sahih Al-Jami’ 3757.
(3) Kh/86 (5620), AD 2030.

[the explanation]

The Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, in his dealings with children, is our role model in raising our children. We must treat our children as the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, treated the children of the Companions. We see him - as in these hadiths - being very kind to them, and he would stop talking to the Companions in order to have compassion and love for Al-Hasan and Al-Hussein, and he would also caress children, and he did not find any objection to that, because that would make them feel love and kindness, which would have a good effect on their souls. He also respected them and did not deny them their rights under the pretext that they were young, as many parents do.

[the benefits]

These hadiths have educational benefits, including:

- Adults caressing children in a way that makes them happy.

- Showing compassion and love for them, even in gatherings of people.

- Respect them and give them their rights, and not ignore them under the pretext that they are young.

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