عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 04-02-2018, 09:52 PM   #4
Senior Member
تاريخ التسجيل: Apr 2015
المشاركات: 372

The Prophet of Islam (P.B.U.H)

His birth

Muhammad, Ibn (1) Abdullah, Ibn Abdul-Muttalib, of the tribe(2) of Quraish, the best descendants of Abraham (Khaleelullah, the
father of the Prophets) from the branch an of Ismail, known as the Prophet of Islam was born in Mecca, at the middle of the western
half of the Arabian Peninsula at the dawn of the twelfth night of the month of Rabi Al-Awwal, fifty three years before the Hegira,
(August 30th 570 A.D)

As for the place of his birth, the holy city of Mecca, it is known as Al-Balad Al-Haram, (the Sacred City) because, it holds in the
middle of it the Sacred Sanctuary of Allah, built according to orders from Allah by the father of Prophets, Abraham (P.B.U.H,)
and his son Ismail, round the honoured Kaaba containing the Sacred Black Stone blessed by God according to the Divine Wish
and Will of God.

In this respect, Allah says what means: "And remember that Abraham was treated by his Lord with certain commands that he
fulfilled. Allah told him that he would make him a leader for mankind. Abraham said: "And of my offspring?" Allah said, "My
covenant includes not wrongdoers." And remember that We made The House a place of assembly for mankind and a safe Sanctuary
and We ordered to take the place where Abraham stood to pray as your place of worship and We imposed a duty upon Abraham and
Ismail telling them to purify My house for these who compass it round and those who meditate therein and those who bow down
and prostrate themselves in their prayers. And remember that Abraham said, "My Lord, make this city a city of peace and feed
its people with fruits as they believe in Allah and The Last Day".
Allah said, "And those who disbelieve, I shall leave each of them
in contentment for a while, then I shall compel him to the doom of
1-Ibn: son.
2-Tribe: a big family with many branches
3-Father of the Prophets, Abraham, (P.B.U.H) had tow sons: Ismail the eldest,
from Hagar, and Isaac from Sara.

fire which is an evil destination". And remember that when Abraham and Ismail raised the foundations of the house saying

Our Lord! Accept from us for You are the All-Hearing, the AII- Knowing. Our Lord, make us Muslims, submissive to You and
make out of our progeny a people of Muslims submissive to You and towards us for you are the Relenting and the Merciful, Our
Lord, send them an apostle of their own who shall rehearse Your
signs to them and instruct them in Scripture and wisdom and sanctify them for You are the Exalted in Might, the Wise", and
who is he who turns away from the religion of Abraham save him who befouls himself? Verily, We have chosen him in the world and he is among the righteous in the hereafter". (2:124-130)

This is the holy city of Mecca where there the Prophet of Islam (P.B.U.H) was born. The year of his birth (570 A.D.) is called the
year of the elephant In the (570 A.D.), it happened that Abraha Al-Ashram, the Abyssinian governor of Yemen, led a very big expedition against Mecca in order to destroy the Holy Sanctuary of Allah or Al-Bayt Al-Haram. Abraha accompanied huge elephants in his big army.
No human defense was offered by the custodians of Al-Kaaba or the inhabitants of Mecca as a whole. They were relying on God
Who defended His house. Abraha's army was destroyed under a shower of stones thrown from the sky showing that material
resources cannot defeat the purpose of God; and that was in the year of the birth of the Prophet of Islam (P.B.U.H). The Holy
Quran has registered this event as Allah says what means "Have
you not seen how your Lord dealt with the owners of the elephant? Did He not bring their stratagem to naught? And He sent

against them swarms of flying creatures. Striking them with stones of baked clay. And He made them like green crops devoured
by cattle". (105:1-5).

We cannot give full details of the biography of the life of the Prophet of Islam (P.B.U.H) but we are to apply few headlines
showing its basic characteristics.

His father Abdullah Ibn Abdul-Muttalib died before the birth of his son Muhammad Ibn Abdullah leaving for him five camels and
some sheep and a maid called Um Ayman
His mother, Amenah Bent(4) Wahb also died when he was five years old in Yathrib, and her maid, Um Ayman returned with him
to Mecca where his grandfather Abdul-Muttalib became in charge of this orphan who lost both of his father and his mother. Being an
orphan in his early childhood made him quite independent and uninfluenced with the authority of parents on their children of
course. That was God's will and the Prophet's destiny.

At the age of eight, his grandfather Abdul-Muttalib died, and his uncle Abu Talib became in charge of him.
At the age of twelve, Muhammad (P.B.U.H) accompanied his uncle Abu Talib in a journey to Syria where a Christian monk
called Baheera recognized Muhammad as the Last Messenger of Allah according to certain information that he know from inherited
Christian legacy. Baheera advised Abu Talib to keep eye on his nephew lest the Jews would have killed him out of jealousy forthe
Jews want the Last Messenger of Allah to be an Israelite from the branch of Isaac not from the branch of Ismail.
Being a youth, Muhammad (P.B.U.H) worked as a shepherd.
This work gave him the chance to think matters over and oover
contemplating everything around him. He demanded nothing but
clothing, food and shelter when he returns home to sleep and rest.
A day followed a day and a month gave way to another month, and a year followed a year.

4- Bent: Daughter.


AL-ATHRAM غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس