المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : WhatsApp

سواها قلبي
12-23-2015, 09:48 PM
This is an excerpt from Russia Today channel RT

Hacker group of Westerners follow Daash Ali Twitter accounts - and were surprised it was issued by the British government

هذا مقتطف من قناة روسيا اليوم RT

مجموعة من الهاكر الغربيون تتبعوا حسابات داعش علي تويتر - وفوجئوا انها تصدر من الحكومة البريطانية

سواها قلبي
12-30-2015, 09:19 PM
The history of France lions kill 10 million Muslims without the guilt of terrorism are people of Muslim or you


سواها قلبي
02-21-2016, 10:36 PM
Young says If you answered my questions six Soatnq Islam - Zakir Naik Zakir Naik


سواها قلبي
04-02-2016, 01:06 PM
🍃 خلال عقود ماضية
مارستُ فيها الدعوة
أدركتُ أن هناك 20 سؤالاً لدى غير المسلمين
عن الإسلام
والتي ينبغي على كل مسلم معرفة إجابتها
ليدافع عن دينه ويوضح الحقيقة للآخرين ..
🎤 د.ذاكر نايك


1- هل الجهاد إرهاب؟

2- هل المسلمون أصوليون؟

3- هل المسلمون إرهابيون؟

4- هل انتشر الإسلام بالسيف؟

5- لماذا يَسمح الإسلام للرجل بالزواج من أربع نسوة ؟

6- لماذا لا تتزوج المرأة من أكثر من رجل في الإسلام؟

7- لماذا يَظلم الإسلام المرأة بالحجاب؟

8- لماذا يأكل المسلمون لحوم الحيوانات؟

9- إن ذبح الحيوانات من أجل أكلها هو فعل وحشي فلماذا تقتلوها؟

10- العلم يقول, الذي يأكل الحيوان يتصرف مثله ولهذا المسلمون وحشيون

11- لماذا تركعون للكعبة إن كنتم ضد عبادة الاصنام؟

12- لماذا لا يُسمح لغير المسلمين بدخول مكة والمدينة إن كان الإسلام ديناً عالمياً؟

13- لماذا لحم الخنزير حرام في الإسلام؟

14- لماذا الخمر حرام في الإسلام؟

15- لماذا شهادة امرأتان تعادل شهادة رجل واحد في الإسلام, أليس هذا تقليلاً من شأن المرأة؟

16- الإسلام ظلَم المرأة بقوله
"للذكر مثل حظ الأنثيين"

17- كيف تُثبت لنا وجود الحياة الآخرة منطقياً ؟

18- إذا كان المسلمون يعبدون إلهاً واحداً ويتبعون نبياً واحداً وقرآناً واحداً فلماذا ينقسمون إلى طوائف؟

19- إذا كانت كل الأديان تخبرنا بأمور جيدة فلماذا نتبع الإسلام فقط ولا نتبع غيره؟

20- إذا كان الإسلام أفضل الأديان, فلماذا المسلمون هم أسوأ الناس وأكثرهم إرهاباً وسرقة وغشاً ؟

21- لماذا يسمِّي المسلمون غيرهم بـ الكفار؟

👇الأسئلة مع إجابتها مُفرّغة نصّياً" بالإنجليزية "

⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
دليلك لدعوة غير المسلمين

سواها قلبي
09-02-2016, 05:04 PM
Muslim communicates on a Christian channel interpreter strong clip guide us all


سواها قلبي
09-14-2016, 01:01 PM
طالبة أمريكية مسلمة جعلت قسيسا يتخبط من سؤال واحد-A question by a student made a priest mumble


This translation from Google

She does not know the first section and the second
The first section of the Qur'an from Surah Yusuf
The second section filled with song

This translation from Google

See how was the life of this Christian girl before Islam!



شاهد لماذا يبكي هذا اللاعب البرازيلي من الاسلام ؟ Islam in Brazil

This translation from Google

Christian ask why Islam oppresses women and worn the veil? Answer summit in extravaganza

مسيحية تسأل لماذا يضطهد الاسلام المرأة ويلبسها الحجاب ؟ الاجابة قمة في الروعة


This translation from Google

Jewish atheist wrote the biography of the Prophet Muhammad said, what for? / Translator

يهودية ملحدة كتبت سيرة النبي محمد فماذا قالت عنه ؟ / مترجم


This translation from Google

Professor of Jewish religion of all the prophets is the religion of Islam (translated)

برفيسور يهودي دين الانبياء كلهم هو دين الاسلام (مترجم)


This translation from Google
Interesting experience to view the Holy Word Christians did when he heard

تجرية شيقة لعرض القرآن ورد فعل المسيحيين عند سماعه



This translation from Google

I asked about Islam with a laugh Voslmt crying.-Sheikh Zakir Naik


This translation from Google

Christian doctor holds the peace of Christ and Christian displays a Muslim sheikh ..

طبيب مسيحي يحمل سلام المسيح ويعرض المسيحية على شيخ مسلم .. فكانت الصاعقة ,, قمة في الروعة


This translation from Google

Jesus Christ, born of a mother without a father to Atatervon why he is the Son of God ??
يسوع المسيح مولود من ام بدون اب فلماذا لاتعترفون انه ابن الله ؟؟ الاجابة قمة في الروعه


This translation from Google

Christian asks why Rcolkm Mom!?

مسيحي يسأل لماذا رسولكم أمي !؟ والرد روعة من الشيخ احمد ديدات


This translation from Google

Godless ask questions beautiful

ملحدة تسأل سؤال جميل، ولكن بعد الإجابة اعتنقت الإسلام تلقائياً


القرآن الكريم كاملاً بمقطع واحد مشاري العفاسي-Complete Quran


القرآن الكريم كاملاً بصوت الشيخ / عبدالرحمن السديس


القرآن الكريم كامل بصوت الشيخ المعيقلي The Complete Holy Quran
Maher Maikli


القرآن الكريم كاملا بصوت الشيخ | أحمد العجمي | The Holy Qura'n | Shiekh Ahmad Al-Ajmi


القران الكريم كاملا - علي الحذيفي | Holy Quran in full

الشيخ علي الحذيفي القرآن الكريم كامل ( 3 /1 )


الشيخ علي الحذيفي القرآن الكريم كامل (3/2)


الشيخ علي الحذيفي القرآن الكريم كامل (3/3)


سواها قلبي
09-29-2016, 04:09 PM
You are kindly, requested to
listen to the under useful link , asses the video and provide me with your summarization.



رابط دعوي مفيد جدا

سواها قلبي
01-24-2017, 07:24 AM


سواها قلبي
02-28-2017, 10:36 PM
واخيرا نطق الرئيس اوباما


سواها قلبي
05-30-2017, 04:26 AM
Paul Pogba

http://store6.up-00.com/2017-05/149610718819761.jpg (http://www.up-00.com/)

Islam entered

http://store6.up-00.com/2017-05/149610718838092.jpg (http://www.up-00.com/)

Paul Labile Pogba is a French professional footballer who plays for Premier League club Manchester United and the France national team. He operates primarily as a central midfielder and is comfortable playing both in attack and defence. Wikipedia

http://store6.up-00.com/2017-05/149610718855043.jpg (http://www.up-00.com/)

Manchester United midfielder Paul Pogpa, on Saturday, will perform Umrah at the Grand Mosque on the first day of Ramadan.


سواها قلبي
11-15-2021, 12:34 AM
نحن انشأنا داعش

We created ISIS


سواها قلبي
08-09-2023, 06:05 AM
A message from an Englishman on the brink of death: Read the Qur'an

the video

سواها قلبي
08-09-2023, 02:03 PM
No one will dare disrespect Islam


سواها قلبي
08-11-2023, 02:02 PM
قصة اسلام البروفيسور جيفرى لانج المحاضره الكامله

The story of Islam Professor Jeffrey Lang full lecture


سواها قلبي
08-27-2023, 05:46 AM
Translation by Google

Viral Video: Teacher Urges Students to Hit Muslim Child | SoSouth


"Why do you hit him lightly?"... A "disgraceful" video of a teacher against a Muslim child and a storm of anger in India

Indian authorities vowed Saturday to take action after a primary school teacher ordered her pupils to take turns slapping a Muslim classmate, and footage of the incident sparked outrage online, according to AFP.

Rights groups say hate crimes and violence against India's large Muslim minority have been on the rise since Hindu nationalist Prime Minister Narendra Modi took office in 2014

India has a population of 1.4 billion people, including 210 million Muslims.

"Why do you hit him lightly? Hit him hard."
Footage of Thursday's incident shows a teacher at a private school in Uttar Pradesh ordering the students to slap the seven-year-old, apparently because he made a mistake in the multiplication table.

She was heard saying to the children as the boy stood crying, "Why do you hit him lightly? Hit him hard."

She added, "They start hitting him on the waist (...) his face turns red."

The video has been verified
Police Inspector Satyanarayan Prajapat confirmed that the footage had been verified.

"Administrative measures will be taken against the teacher," he said in a video clip posted on social media.

While the father of the child filed a case with the police in Muzaffarnagar district, where the accident occurred, according to a separate statement.

Sow the poison of discrimination and hatred
The incident sparked an online outcry, with opposition leader Rahul Gandhi blaming Modi's Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party for fomenting religious intolerance in the Hindu-majority country.

Gandhi wrote in a post on "X" (formerly Twitter), "planting the poison of discrimination in the minds of innocent children and turning a sacred place like a school into a market for hate."

BJP fuel
He added: "There is nothing worse that a teacher can do for the country," pointing out that "this is the same fuel that the Bharatiya Janata Party has spread, which has set fire to all parts of India."

The Bharatiya Janata Party has ruled the state of Uttar Pradesh since 2017.. The state's chief minister, Yogi Adityanath, is accused of encouraging acts of violence carried out by locals against the state's Muslims and introducing discriminatory laws to marginalize this religious group.


سواها قلبي
11-04-2023, 09:38 PM
An American woman cries when she converts to Islam- Mohamed Ali


سواها قلبي
11-10-2023, 10:53 PM
Dan Megan Rice salah satu aktivis dari America yang memulai World Religion Book Club krn islamophobia yg berkembang di Amerika dikarenakan kesalah pahaman memahami kondisi Gaza, dan ia memulai dari pembacaan Quran. Dan disana dirinya menemukan keajaiban Al Quran 1/3

Megan Rice : Yes this is the Quarn



This clip shows you the extent of the influence and many people converted to Islam because of their knowledge of the truth
Likewise, hundreds of thousands knew Islam and did not know it before


I understood polygamy


The miracle of the formation of the fetus in the Qur’an, which was mentioned 1400 years ago


Interpretation of the Qur’an in Surat Al-Anbiya, verse 30 regarding the Big Bang Theory, although science discovered it only in 1927 at the hands of Father Georges Lemaitre


More and more people in the West are reading the Qur’an and discovering its miracles. Like this woman who found the answers to her life in the first ten pages.


سواها قلبي
11-10-2023, 11:22 PM
Megan Rice | Quran First Time Reading by Christian Non-Muslim - Tik Tok Live 2 November 2023


All clips of American Megan Rice reading the Qur’an and talking about it


Following in the footsteps of Megan Rice, a Jewish girl reads the Qur’an for the first time and shares her experience with a translator




Megan Rice reading Quran for the first time


I'm a Christian & I just started reading the Quran out of curiousity


In the Qur’an there is a surah dedicated to bees


سواها قلبي
11-17-2023, 11:13 PM
Why the #Prophet_Muhammad couldn’t have written the Quran


سواها قلبي
01-22-2024, 07:06 AM
A European girl cries when she hears the Qur’an in the street


سواها قلبي
02-01-2024, 01:18 AM

An American tourist expresses his astonishment at the degree of safety that people experience in Saudi Arabia... and documents his evidence with a video clip!

Sura Al-Maaida
( وَالسَّارِقُ وَالسَّارِقَةُ فَاقْطَعُوا أَيْدِيَهُمَا جَزَاءً بِمَا كَسَبَا نَكَالًا مِنَ اللَّهِ وَاللَّهُ عَزِيزٌ حَكِيمٌ (38) )

( [As for] the thief, the male and the female, amputate their hands in recompense for what they committed as a deterrent [punishment] from Allah. And Allah is Exalted in Might and Wise. )

As for the male and female thief, cut off their hands, O rulers, in accordance with Sharia law, as a punishment for taking people’s money unlawfully, and as a punishment by which God prevents others from doing what they do. God is Mighty in His dominion, Wise in His commands and prohibitions.

سواها قلبي
02-29-2024, 12:30 AM

I was afraid to travel to Saudi Arabia مترجم

سواها قلبي
03-23-2024, 12:26 AM
Maurice Bucaille (French pronunciation: [moris bykaj]; 19 July 1920 – 17 February 1998[3]) was a French doctor and a specialist in the field of gastroenterology[4] who was appointed as the family physician of Faisal of Saudi Arabia in 1973.[5][6] His patients included the members of the family of Egyptian President Anwar Sadat.[7]

Bucaille is primarily known for his book The Bible, The Qur'an and Science[1][8] that he wrote following his study of the mummy of the Egyptian pharaoh Ramesses II. The book contained multiple references to the Quran, relating science and Quran in which Bucaille concluded that the Quran is a divine revelation and that it was not written by any man;.[9][10] The book gave rise to a movement called Bucailleism, which tries to relate modern science with religion, especially Islam.[11] Since the publishing of The Bible, the Quran and Science, Bucaillists have promoted the idea that the Quran is of divine origin, arguing that it contains scientifically and historically correct facts.[12][13] According to The Wall Street Journal, Bucailleism is "in some ways the Muslim counterpart to Christian creationism" and although "while creationism rejects much of modern science, Bucailleism embraces it."[14]



تجربة دكتور موريس بوكاي مع كلمة هامان The experience of morris bucaille with Haman name


سواها قلبي
04-01-2024, 05:17 AM

Dr. Maurice Bucaille - The Qur’an and modern science are amazingly compatible

سواها قلبي
04-15-2024, 01:25 AM

Perspectives of an American Executive Living and Working in Saudi Arabia